Water Plant Work

Water for consumption is usually sourced from a variety of locations. Many places use groundwater, surface water from lakes and rivers and in some places, water is sourced from seawater treated in desalination plants.

Regardless of where the water has been sourced from, it needs to be purified before being fit for consumption. Water from some sources may only need simple filtration and from other sources it may need to go through a disinfection process, both of which are typically done in local water plants. These water plants are often with electrically or pneumatically operated valves, enabling them to be controlled remotely.

AVK offers a broad range of Valves for Water plants and associated works. The main products in this range are can be found below in our product finder. 

We have presented the specifications most relevant for the local market, but AVK is able to make any specification or customization required by the customer.