Located in the South Bohemian region of the Czech Republic, the city of Písek have welcomed a new water treatment plant to generate an independent water supply for the quality of citizens’ lives. Curiously, the city of Pisek have been outsourcing resources for decades despite their vast history dating back to the 13th century and have only now decided to source locally.
With the advancement of technology, the delivery of high-quality drinking water is now possible. The plant has a total capacity of 70m3/sec and sources surface water from the Otava river on the outskirts of the city. Despite a near 10M EUR investment (including 200,000EUR for AVK fittings), water will still be available at an affordable price for the nearly 30,000 citizens of Písek.
Previous experience with AVK’s firms have proven advantageous through the cooperation and presentation of technical solutions between local managers and the designing company. As a result, the order was placed with AVK VOD-KA.
Throughout construction, the customer was pleased with the supplier’s flexibility for on-site changes and adherence to delivery deadlines. This would ultimately set the stage for consumers to expect quality in every step of the process.
Fast forward one year after construction, the plant operates exceptionally, with sound results. AVK have cemented their reputation in the city of Písek, already securing future projects.